Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Annoying Instagram Drama: Fake Smile

  Hey guys! I'm sooo sorry that it's been so long since I've posted anything and that I'm coming back like this
~ I realized after writing my complaints post that I am actually not being a hypocrite by writing posts like this because no one I know knows that I use this blog, and no one reads my posts anyways lolol
  Anyways, there will probably be more Annoying Instagram Drama posts after this one because I have been seeing a lot of that crap recently, but this one is the first of probably three.
  So, my school is K-12 and pretty small, so I know most of the jr. highers there and follow them on instagram. This girl that is giving the drama is a 7th grader that I will call H in case I end up showing this blog to someone at school xD The drama is nothing that is trying to pick a fight with some other chick or anything, but she just tries to get attention by getting people to feel sorry for her. A lot of her posts are her explaining that she uses a "fake smile", and that her life is pretty much crap.
  The stupid thing is, if you are really using a "fake smile", then you wouldn't be making posts like that. The whole point of a fake smile is for people to believe that you're okay and that you're able to endure through all the trials of life. However, that all goes to waste when you tell the whole world about it. If you have a "fake smile" then it'd be hard to hold back and you'd have to run from conversations to keep from crying.
  One cool thing about having a blog is that I can post all kinds of things like she is. However, it's ok for me because I know that no matter how much I can post about "my life is crap", there won't be anyone feeling sorry for me because they simply don't know me. But I don't post that kind of stuff, right? Why is that? I went through Jr. High and the same things that she is. In fact, her experience is probably going even better than mine back then. I never had a boyfriend and was even super depressed because the guy I liked faked to like me back then dumped me. I was never a very social person, so I barely even had friends out of my small class. The sports team I joined was horrible and made me think that I couldn't win at anything.

  Away from the whole "fake smile" thing that she claims to have, a bunch of other things bug me. "People these days don't know how to treat others" - the thing is, no one should expect for people to know how to treat others because no one is perfect. If everyone were to be kind to each other, sure it'd be peaceful, but people would think of it as boring. They may not admit it, but girls love to talk crap about each other, or they love to gossip. They may not like drama once it comes, but many seem to not be able to live without treating someone horribly. Even outside of girls and gossip, there is always someone that just doesn't know proper respect and the fact that you should act different around people depending on how much you know them. No matter what, there will always be things that others are bugged by or simply hate.
  (Sure, I'll admit I understand the whole acting crazy to forget things. But from what she posts, I've seen that her problems aren't even in this state. The whole acting crazy is supposed to distract you from whatever problems are around you, but it should be easy for her not to think about it all if she can't see it.)
  "I'm never intentionally mean or never a drama maker". She is a really nice girl. The problem is that she's
being a hypocrite when she says she isn't a drama maker. Half of her posts are like this one, and many of them often target some guy that doesn't love her back. She isn't starting anything with anyone in the state, but she's posted things of at least 3 different guys in the last few months. Maybe she doesn't think she's causing any problems, but her posts are annoying as heck. I would unfollow her, but she actually is happy sometimes, and I follow her for those posts. But when she does make the dramatic posts, I just want to yell at her like "suck it up- you're a frickin 7th grader and you're complaining every week about a guy you can only see on a screen(all the guys are in a different state too lawde). What problems are you going to have when you get to highschool and college?"... So yeah, she is a dramamaker.
  Past that, it annoys me to heck that she's talking like she's an amazing and most innocent person in the world. Even the most innocent person in the world wouldn't feel this sorry for themselves because they'd have even a small bit of modesty and notice that they sound like a character on a tv show, lying to make everyone sorry for them. She's bringing all the drama to herself when she says she doesn't deserve any of it.
AHHHHH I'm so sorry this is so long... I need to find better things to post about OTL However, this was really bugging me and it helps me so much to just type it all down instead of showing it all to someone I know in person. So yeah, that's rant #1. I apologize for this rant and the ones to come.

Sunday, February 2, 2014


  Just a little shoutout to my states team since we just won the SUPERBOWL! Good job to all the coaches and players in the Seahawks- Colorado didn't stand a chance! Can't wait to see the next season!   ~Mare

Sunday, January 12, 2014


Hello~ I just wanted to share something that's been bothering me lately.
  Everywhere, it seems like the only anyone ever likes to do is complain. Sure, I understand that there are plenty of things to complain about, but there's no need to share them, at least not with me. Here are some reasons that I don't like to hear or respond to complaints(I understand that I'm being a hypocrite since pretty much this whole thing is a complaint, but I just had to let it out xD):
  1) I don't want to get involved. A lot of what people complain about has to do with someone else. For some reason, the complaining people want me to get involved with their drama. Maybe they think I have some authority over the other person or something? I don't. Getting me involved won't help your case at all, and it'll just bring negative things to me. I don't want to be selfish, but in this case, leave me alone. I do care for my friends, but not enough to get involved in something unneccesary. Their drama isn't pushing you to the point of hurting yourself or someone else(both mentally and physically), so why should I care? On the other hand, I'll try my best to help you if drama does get to the point of being considered continuous bullying.
  2) I disagree. One of the things that has been annoying me the most about all these complaints is that I don't even have the same opinion as the people complaining to me. I end up just saying "oh" or "yeah" because I don't want people to end up arguing or gossiping about me just because I disagreed with them. It's like my "Why I Don't Post Comments On Youtube" post- I can say the simplest thing with calmest tone of voice as possible, and someone will still think I'm a hater. So, I just stay quiet. No matter what I say, people will be stubborn, keep their opinion, and just find someone else to complain to.
  3) The thing that is being complained about shouldn't matter. People make a way bigger deal over some things than what is actually needed, and it just creates more drama and more things to complain about. If you don't like someone or something, you don't need to continuously talk about it. People will begin to think you've become obsessive, or you will become obsessive on your own. Some people just need to let go of whatever they keep complaining about and forget about it.
 4) I hear them too often. Even if it's the smallest complaint, it will annoy me if you mention it to me multiple times. Recently, a lot of people have been complaining about their or my food. They continuously tell me about the foods they don't like whenever someone has it for lunch. I know that I really shouldn't be annoyed by it, so I make sure not to say anything about it, but I honestly don't give a crap for what opinion people have on my food. People's complaints aren't going to make me change what I eat, so it should be obvious that people don't need to complain to me everytime it comes up. I won't even get to when people tell full stories of why they don't like certain things.

  Yeah~ There's my rant :) I think that if I were to give this rant straight to someone that was complaining, I wouldn't have any friends at this point. Thank goodness for a blog! Sorry for being a hypocrite and just complaining about complaints, but I had to tell all this to someone, or I might explode randomly while being in a conversation. However, thanks for reading, and I wish I could know some of everyone else's opinions! (I get views from so many different places, but no one comments!:( ) See everyone in my next post!
Some questions to the audience! -
Do you complain often?
How do you respond to complaints you disagree with?
What's your definition of a "hater"?

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Sweet 16!

  Hey guys! The other day, I turned 16! Not much happened since it was a busy school day, but I thought I'd at least make a small post to tell about it.
  All throughout that week, I had been waiting for it to be that day. Not because it was my birthday, but because it was a FRIDAY. I could not wait for the week to end! There had been a choir concert, a basketball game that took all day to go to and play, and several tests to study for or makeup. Seriously, all I wanted was to eat and sleep!
  I got ready for school as normal. I felt kind of nervous because I though my friends would see me walk into the gym and suddenly scare and embarrass me by singing, but I was lucky and got to school before them >:D However, a bunch of people did hug me and greet me by the time I got to my locker.
I went through the day while getting sung to several times, then waited after school for another basketball game to come.
  We won the game easily, and I got some points(it's a rare thing :O)! After our game, the guys played, so I decided to stay and watch until half time. I had an awkward experience...:
  After coming out of the locker room after our game, I saw that my mom set up a thing for me. There were cupcakes and a big balloon, and she made me wear a t-shirt and tiara that said "sweet 16". I wanted to buy some food from the cafeteria, so I had to walk across the gym to get there.
  While I was waiting, one of the girls from the team we had just played came up to me to say "happy birthday" and give me a hug... For some reason she had a plank, and gave me a loooong awwwkkkward hug so she could... Yeah.
  I was tired and felt awkward sticking around, so I decided to quickly go home, eat, and sleep.
I wanted to take a shower and sleep, but I was too tempted to open my presents! I got black Dr. Martens from my parents and an awkward panda from my sister! I also received a scarf, hat, lotion, chapstick, etc. from my friends! We also ended up eating a fancy mousse cake! So many exclamation marks...
Anyways, that sums up what happened on my birthday~ It was amazing and I am so thankful for being born on the day that I was!

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

A Quick Greeting

  Just a quick, late Happy New Year and Merry Christmas! I hope everyone's 2013 was amazing and that 2014 will be even better. You guys will all finish your resolutions this year, right? I'll be posting my list soon! :)
  Happy New Year! ~Mare