Saturday, January 4, 2014

Sweet 16!

  Hey guys! The other day, I turned 16! Not much happened since it was a busy school day, but I thought I'd at least make a small post to tell about it.
  All throughout that week, I had been waiting for it to be that day. Not because it was my birthday, but because it was a FRIDAY. I could not wait for the week to end! There had been a choir concert, a basketball game that took all day to go to and play, and several tests to study for or makeup. Seriously, all I wanted was to eat and sleep!
  I got ready for school as normal. I felt kind of nervous because I though my friends would see me walk into the gym and suddenly scare and embarrass me by singing, but I was lucky and got to school before them >:D However, a bunch of people did hug me and greet me by the time I got to my locker.
I went through the day while getting sung to several times, then waited after school for another basketball game to come.
  We won the game easily, and I got some points(it's a rare thing :O)! After our game, the guys played, so I decided to stay and watch until half time. I had an awkward experience...:
  After coming out of the locker room after our game, I saw that my mom set up a thing for me. There were cupcakes and a big balloon, and she made me wear a t-shirt and tiara that said "sweet 16". I wanted to buy some food from the cafeteria, so I had to walk across the gym to get there.
  While I was waiting, one of the girls from the team we had just played came up to me to say "happy birthday" and give me a hug... For some reason she had a plank, and gave me a loooong awwwkkkward hug so she could... Yeah.
  I was tired and felt awkward sticking around, so I decided to quickly go home, eat, and sleep.
I wanted to take a shower and sleep, but I was too tempted to open my presents! I got black Dr. Martens from my parents and an awkward panda from my sister! I also received a scarf, hat, lotion, chapstick, etc. from my friends! We also ended up eating a fancy mousse cake! So many exclamation marks...
Anyways, that sums up what happened on my birthday~ It was amazing and I am so thankful for being born on the day that I was!

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