Sunday, December 8, 2013

Christmas Lights

 Every year, families decorate their homes with lights for the holidays. It's enjoyable to observe the streets and see all the different colors. People put up Christmas lights to keep traditions, to follow the mood of the holiday, and to earn bragging rights.
  Ask someone why they put up Christmas lights. The first answer to go to their heads would probably be,"We do it every year." Christmas lights were first used in the late 1800s, but that's a different story. The whole point is, Christmas lights have been used for generations. Seeing Christmas lights is a childhood memory that everyone just wants to carry on.
  Christmas lights have become a major part of the holiday, so it's only natural that we follow the mood. Imagine December 25th without Christmas lights. For some awkward reason, you stuffed a tree in your house and put a bunch of boxes under it. Why would you put a tree in your house? There's plenty outside. It's just not the same without the lights.
  Maybe this isn't everyone's reason, but many people decorate their houses for bragging rights. All the time, there will be news articles about people decorating their house with extreme amounts of lights and decorations. Even if others don't mean to catch the attention of anyone that passes by, they probably wouldn't mind a compliment or two about how well they decorated their house.
  The lights are one of the things in the Christmas season that everyone enjoys. They're used everywhere, and have become a thing for everyone to enjoy. People decorate their homes with them for traditions, and it's something that everyone is used to seeing every year. Others can't handle the holiday passing by without seeing Christmas lights, since it's a major part of the mood. Last, some do it to show off and compete against their neighbors for bragging rights. We all have our reasons, but I think we can all agree that Christmas lights are one of the things to enjoy each year around this time.
Ayo~ This week was just another speech :P Sorry maybe some day I'll write a review or something useful. Whatever! Happy Holidays!
lol yep thats it bye~

Sunday, December 1, 2013

The Walking Dead

  This post will probably take a bit longer to post since today is Sunday and I am currently typing this on mobile, but I have so many mixed feelings right now that I have to start writing now!!! 
  The Walking Dead midseason finale just ended and, no kidding, I was shaking because I had SO MANY FEELS.
  Actually you know what...? Nope. NOPE. NO MORE BLOG POST.

Saturday, November 30, 2013

Anastasiya Shpagina

  Hello~ Sorry it's been a while since I've written... I think I'll take a break from just putting up what I put for my speeches! My ideas have seemed pretty dull recently, so I thought I should put a little more work into my blog!
  Today I though I'd talk about one of my favorite online people- Anastasiya Shpagina! I think she's most often known as the "real life anime girl", but she's done a lot of different things since she's been given that title!
  At first when I heard of her, I wasn't quite as interested for a couple reasons. Most articles and videos  about her said the same things: She wears the anime makeup all the time, she's received surgery, and people's opinions of her are mixed. There's a lot to say about her, but there's only a limited amount of information they can get and give. Most people that like to talk about her in these articles make it pretty obvious that they haven't actually found this information from her or a physical source, but instead just used what was already stated online. I guess it works...?
  My second reason is that her youtube channel was more like an instagram than what it is usually used for. All her videos were under 30 seconds, and all that was shown in it was what could be put in a picture- her showing her makeup, daily outfits, etc. Once in a while I would visit the channel and look at some random videos, but I was never interested enough to subscribe.
  However, she's changed quite a lot, and I love to watch her! I haven't seen many more articles about her recently, but she deserves to have another one written for her. Now, on her youtube channel, she does makeup transformations into celebrities, and they are really~ accurate. It's amazing how she can see the details of people's faces and change her features to look like others!
  Some of my favorite transformations of her are Ariana Grande, Avril Lavigne, Park Bom, and many others! I've seen many transformation videos, but I think hers are the most accurate. :) She's also made some makeup tutorials on ways to make her anime makeup, and an adorable way of doing ulzzang makeup!
  I don't like people having plastic surgery, but I like her too much to care(and plastic surgery will be saved for another post)! She seems like a very nice person, and she treats all her fans well. I haven't heard very much of her being in any drama, and I think she's a good role model when it comes to personality.
  Overall, I'd really recommend her channel!  She's great with makeup and has a great personality- I'd love to meet her sometime, especially since she's become a lot better with her english!
See you in my next post!

Monday, November 11, 2013

Comfort Zone

  Hey guys! Sorry, I don't think I posted anything last week... I just wrote my speech on pets, and it was kind of... suckish. Well, all my speeches are but that one was extra stupid and cheesy. However, this week, I wrote my speech on gettting ot of the comfort zone!
  Whatever it is you like to do, it is important to get out of your "comfort zone" to improve. It pretty much explains itself. Your comfort zone is what you are you used to doing, but to get out of your comfort zone,

you have to try new things. This is why you should get out of your comfort zone once in a while.
  First, getting out of your comfort zone helps you improve. I'll use basketball as an example. You may be used to dribbling around the court and making lay ups, but you have to get out of your comfort zone and also practice shots farther from the hoop in order to improve them.
  Second, it gives you more options. The more you get out of your comfort zone, the more you'll know how to use. Instead of having to dribble up to the hoop to shoot lay ups, you'll also have the option of staying farther away and making hoops.
  Last, it will help you discover new things. After putting those things that were outside into your comfort zone, you'll discover a new level of things, and as you put those things into your comfort zone, there'll be even more.
  You have to try something you aren't comfortable with sometimes! It's important to get out of your comfort zone because it helps you improve, it gives you more options, and it helps you discover new things.

So yeah! For some reason, I'm running out of ideas about what to write about :( For at least a week, however, I should have more time to get online and draw, write, etc. My volleyball season just ended, but basketball season already starts in a few days! Anyways, see you guys in my next post!

Sunday, October 27, 2013


 Hello again~ Halloween is coming up, so I decided to write my speech about it this week! I don't plan on dressing up and so far have not planned on doing anything with my friends, but I got a little kit to mess with makeup so I might do something with it, and just stay home and give candy. Here's my speech!

 Halloween is a day to spend with friends, family, and even complete strangers. This is why it is fun to celebrate halloween.
  Halloween is a social day. All night, people of all ages take over the streets and socialize. People are always asking for candy, complimenting each other's costumes, or even just making friends. It's the perfect day to make friends with a complete stranger.
  One thing I look forward to every year is an opportunity to see people in costumes. Parents always love to dress up their children in the cutest things possible. Teenagers try their hardest to creep out whoever opens the door to them. It's a day for everyone to show their creativity.
  Whether you're giving or taking, there is candy everywhere. Everyone staying at home hopes that there is a little left over candy to keep for themselves, and those going out visit as many homes as possible to have a bigger chance of receiving their favorite sweets.
  Halloween is a fun day for everyone of any age group. It's a time for people to socialize, show their creativity in costume, and give or take candy!

  I've tried one makeup look and just gave myself a shark mouth, but I want to try a bunch of different things! I would make a costume and more, but I don't want to spend much money :P Maybe if I go to a convention or something.

Saturday, October 19, 2013

My Volleyball Team!

  Hey guys! If you didn't know, I play for my school's volleyball team. It's my first time playing volleyball on a team and I'm not even that good, but we have recently been told that we are first in league! It's kind of a long story- there are the top three teams(team 1(us), team 2, and team 3). My team, team 1, won all our games including the first against team 2 and 3. However, the only game we've lost is our second against team 2, and we thought the rankings would be decided depending on the scores in all our games. We won against team 3 again, which kept us tied with team 2. Team 2 had won against team 3 before, but a big reason to it was because team 3 arrived an hour late, so they didn't get a warm up and had to start on the 3rd set. Yesterday, we found out that team 2
and 3 played each other again, and team 3 won! So, as long as we win in our next games, which should be super easy, we are first in league! Sorry if that made no sense at all but whatever :P I took the time to write it.
  I decided to write a speech on why my volleyball team deserves our position! Enjoy!
  So far, the _________ volleyball team is first in league! We aren't perfect, but there are plenty good points about us as a team. I believe we deserve our success because we practice hard, we get along, and we play for God.
sorry i was watching lucky star this morning lol
  Unless it's the weekend or a game day, we have practice every day after school. We'll work on the smallest things like angles, power, aim, and so on. Some players on the team are only on their first or second season playing volleyball, but Coach has helped us really improve over such a short amount of time.
  Since the season has started, the team has grown really close together. Several of us spend lunch and breaks together, and we even have team bonding events to do things outside of school.
  Whether we win or lose, we have made God our top priority. He chooses the outcome, but we have our individuality to put in the effort of a game for His praise. Over everything, we remember that He is the reason that we play.
  So, please try to come to one of our games! We deserve to be first in league for our intense practices, our love for eachother, and God's glory.

I wish I could play volleyball all year long, but the season has to end eventually... Anyways, I hope you are all doing well, and that you look forward to my next post!
PS. I've been getting views from all over the world! As you can see, my view counter hasn't even gone over 1000 yet, but I'm very happy with how many people have found my blog! Even if it's just a bunch of random people finding my blog off google. I've gotten an even bigger number of viewers this week, and it's made me super happy! Thanks for the views!

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Traditional vs. Digital Art

  Happy Sunday, everyone! I have another speech- this time it's about why I prefer digital art over traditional. BTW, no one probably cares, but you can see some of my digital art on my deviantart account.
  Traditional art is the drawings and paintings made from physical tools, like a pencil or paint brush. Digital art is that made from computers using tools programmed to have the textures of those used in traditional art. These are reasons why I prefer digital art.
  Mistakes are easy to erase when drawing on the computer. When drawing traditionally, there are always a number of things I have to constantly worry about because I might not be able to completely erase a mistake I make. When drawing digitally, I can always use the undo button when I make a mistake, and the eraser leaves no marks behind.
  Colors are easier to choose digitally. To get a variety of colors, I have search for paint or pencils at the store. If I try to mix colors to make another, I can never get what I want. However, I get whatever color I want using a computer program.
  Lines are cleaner when making digital art. We all know how much trouble it is to draw a straight line. However, there are several different options in computer programs to make the cleanest line you can get.
If I were to mention art, you'd probably automatically think about drawing on paper or painting on a canvas. However, I like to draw digitally because mistakes are easier to erase, colors are easier to choose, and lines are cleaner.

I'll probably have to cut a bunch of text off this when I present it(it's probably too long). I loooove talking about things like this, so I really think I could write a way longer speech on the differences and similarities of these two categories of art. However, this will have to do for now :( See you guys next week!

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Don't Text and Drive

  Hey guys! As I said in my previous post, I have to write a speech every week. I can write it about whatever I want, and it only has to be a minute long. I haven't timed this one yet so I don't know exactly how long it is, but I thought I'd post it on here before reading it over again and printing it out.
  Although commercials and authorities have made it obvious, it seems like texting and driving is still an issue. These are reasons why you shouldn't text and drive.
  It's illegal. Even if you don't get in an accident from it, texting and driving can get you in trouble with the police.
  It isn't safe. No matter how much you think you can multi-task, texting will distract you from the road. Taking your hands off the wheel to type each letter of a text can cause an injury and maybe even a death, no matter how fast you can type each word.
  It isn't necessary. If you're texting, that probably means you aren't in a hurry. Having the time to start a conversation before driving should mean you have time to continue it afterwards.
  Making the small choice to text while driving can take away your freedom to make choices at all. What you think only costs you a few seconds of your life can keep someone from using several years of theirs. Texting while driving is illegal, unsafe, and unecessary.

  I hope that was... informational..? I don't know what word I should use. In drivers ed, we were being told about passing cars on a 2-way road. We were told that before passing, we should ask ourselves 3 questions: Is this legal? Is this safe? Is this necessary? Although it was only mentioned in one subject, I thought that those questions should be asked for most of our choices. So, I used it in my speech!
  Anyways, I hope that my speech somehow affected you!

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Tea over Hot Chocolate

 Hello everyone! For school, every week, I have to write a minute-long speech. This is the one I just wrote! Most posts I see online that mention tea only talk about  its health benefits, so I thought I'd give different kinds of reasons in a way that you don't need to have a huge vocabulary to really understand. Enjoy!

  Some people might be like me and have trouble deciding whether to drink hot chocolate or tea when it gets cold outside. However, I will be talking about why tea is the better choice.
  Tea is healthier. Just looking at it, it's easy to tell. Hot chocolate is made out of whatever is in the powder you're given, but tea is made out of leaves and maybe some sugar depending on how you like it.
  After drinking hot chocolate, I start to feel it in my stomach and it makes me dizzy. Tea will keep me warm, but not so much that I feel sick. It makes me a bit tired though, so it's a perfect drink before going to bed on a school night.
  Go to the grocery store and look at your hot chocolate selection. There may be a bunch of different brand made drinks, but there's usually only "original" or "marshmallow" flavors. Now go to the tea selection. There's several different kinds like green tea, peppermint, and black.
  Although they are both good drinks, after considering these things, I would rather drink tea. Tea is healthier, makes me feel better, and gives me more choices.

Although writing speeches can seem like a really boring thing, I've been enjoying doing this every week. It's a way for me to improve my English, but I also get to talk to my class about things I enjoy. I've talked about things like why to attend my school, caramel, and photography. Since it has to be a minute long, I actually feel sad sometimes because I have to take out some things to shorten it. However, it's really easy to write, and takes no time at all. Do you guys have to do this, too? What are some things you like to write about?

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Zombies 三( ゚Д゚)

   Hey everyone! Today I watched World War Z. It was soo scary, yet it was really good! Part way through, I was trying to think about whether I wanted to keep watching or run out of the theatre, but I couldn't decide throughtout the movie so I ended up staying :)
   Although it is about zombies, it's actually not very gorey. About what it is, you'd expect there to be blood splurting out of people's arms, intestines and organs everywhere, but there surprisingly isn't any of that. Sure, there are parts where people do things that you'd expect to see a lot of blood, but they make it so you still see what happens, yet it blocks out the unnecessary gore.
   I also watch the Walking Dead, and even though that show has a lot more blood and gore, I think I found World War Z scarier. I like them equally, but World War Z had more jumpscares. Plus, the zombies can run D:

   Anyways, I really liked it. I don't know why, but I enjoyed watching the huge groups of zombies, especially when they'd pile on top of each other O_o idk why. I liked the looks of the zombies and the special effects.
But yeah that's it lol bye.   ~Mare

Friday, August 2, 2013

Stupid Me!

self portrait by me
Hey guys! I just thought I'd share this. Why can't people realize it sooner that they should give credit to the original artist of something, or at least say that they didn't draw it? I hate it when people take that route of making "art" in the first place, but I'm tired of people not giving credit when they reference, trace, color, ANYTHING off of someone else's work. If you used someone else's work to help make your own in any way, you should give them credit. Their work is not the same as yours, and you do not deserve the same amount of recognition for something that someone else did!
  Sorry everyone but I just had to get this off my chest! It's late! I should be sleeping! I shouldn't be online! However, I hope that this slaps someone in the face and somehow reminds them about giving credit, because it can become something very bad! Don't trace and be happy that people show their own art in public in the first place!
  I'll probably make a video or longer blogpost about this later, but for now that's it! Goodnight!
(This will be posted in the morning so I can add pictures and labels)

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

DIY Notebook Idea!

  Hey guys! I was drawing in my sketchbook today, which btw I've been doing a lot recently :) I love it! However, when I closed it, I noticed how boring it was because I just bought it from Office Depot and it didn't have a special theme or anything. So I decided to make my own!
I didn't have an exact idea of what I wanted it to look like, but I knew what kind of colors I wanted, which was... PASTELS! I don't know why, but I've loved pastels so much recently.
  Something I also knew I wanted was for it to be simple but still super cute! I absolutely hate it when I, or others, try to make things cute, but end up going overboard and put too much on one thing. I think it looks a lot better if there's just one accessory or theme, whatever, at least on that page, unless you want to make a collage.
  Anyways, I chose my favorite colors out of some scrapbook paper I have, which were a light shade of pink and mint green! I thought that if there was more pink, then it would look more girly, while if there were more of the green, it would be sort of tomboyish. So, I put the green on top of the pink, but more pink.
  I actually would've stopped there, but I just hated... I don't know! I just though I could add more! I remembered that my mom had brought home some origami paper from Japan a few years ago, but we didn't use it at all, and if we did, we epically failed and just put the paper back! I figured that at least some of the paper would have some kind of cute designs, so I thought I could use them since the scrapbook paper I used was plain!
  There were a lot of colors, but I chose a blue paper, not just because I liked it out of others, but also because it was light enough, yet it wasn't too close to the same colors as the pink or green I already used. I just used the blue to separate the green and pink.
  If I had used the blue all the way across then I probably would have added more somewhere else, but I kind of failed at cutting strips of it equally thick. I knew that I would add an accessory eventually, so why not then? And what's more original than a strawberry? Hehe~
  Instead of printing, I thought it'd look good to use the different colors of the origami paper to make the strawberry, especially since the different colors also had different patterns. I drew the shapes I wanted on the side of the paper that would be glued down, cut it out, glued them together, then glued it to the sketchbook! It was kind of hard the cut out and glue the leaf part of the strawberry, but it was worth it because I LOVE how it turned out!
The last thing I did was cut the corners! All I wanted to do was round the ends, so I just sketched out where to cut and did it! I thought I could maybe add some text, but I didn't want to cut it out- so I think later Ill find a white sharpie or something and just write my name(Maybe in different languages muahaha).
Anyways, that was it! I really enjoyed doing it, so I think I'll probably do something similar for my school notebooks :D I saved the paper I didn't use, too!
I really love how it turned out!
Thanks for reading! Bye! ~Mare

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Trying to Learn Languages!

  Hello~ So if you didn't know, which Im guessing you don't, but might had assumed, I only speak English! I've been trying to learn Tagalog mostly, but Im also learning a little Spanish since it'll be one of my classes for sophomore year!
  I think it'd be cool to learn other languages, but Tagalog is hard enough :,D I thought I'd learn it since my mom is from the Philippines though.

  So far Im just learning from a couple books that I got from the library, but I want to get a workbook so it'd be like what I do in English class at school! 
  If I get used to it, I want to learn a bunch of different languages, like Japanese, Korean, Chinese, etc. Since a lot of things Im interested use those languages... *sigh* I probably won't though :P However, when I'm bored, I'll randomly open some language apps on my iPod and try to remember some Hangeul and Hiragana... ITS SO HARD THOUGH. I've only remembered a few vowels in Hangeul in a few weeks and I've barely learned the vowels in Hiragana even though I've been studying it even longer than Hangeul(it's so much easier than hiragana since it's simple lines instead of squigley and curved things OTL)
  That's it LOL Byeeee~

Sunday, July 21, 2013

I Got a Youtube!

Hey everyone! It's pretty awkward, but I thought I'd try making a youtube channel to try out ranting to my camera(lol) and just vlogs when I hang out with my friends and stuff... yeah...
I've posted two videos of me talking to the camera, but I'm pretty awkward and you can't hear me at all xD not just because I was so awkward that I talked really quiet, but also because the audio on my camera isn't very good... But I'll improve everything somehow over time!
This could keep me from writing blog posts, I thought, but I also thought of different ways I could post different things on both here and my channel! On my channel, I'll be posting rants and vlogs, but on here I'll be posting more of things like reviews(Like the dokidokipostbox post), reactions, and things that I think could possibly offend people(LOL IM SORRY)
I really love watching people on youtube, so I also enjoy making my own videos, even if it does seem weird right now :P I think this can become something I enjoy more and more while I work more on it!
It's probably a waste of time but it'd be really cool if I were to get more views and it'd make me super happy :) Thanks everyone!

Saturday, June 29, 2013

What is a Living Doll?

 Hi everyone! I've been spending a lot of time on tumblr haha if you want to follow me on there, my thing is
  Just looking at some tags, Ive noticed that some people are picky about what "living dolls" are. I saw some
posts where someone was saying things like, "they don't do their makeup like a living doll and it just looks like crap" and "they don't have the characteristics of a doll". So let me point some things out. 
  Dolls are designed and made by people, so they can look like whatever the creator wants. Dolls aren't all white, skinny, with a perfect face. Anyone can call themselves a doll, even if they don't look anything like what people would expect a living doll to be. 
  A doll is defined as... 
A small model of a human figure, often one of a baby or girl, used as a child's toy.

  So really, you can look like a doll, as long as you're human (although I'm sure dolls have been made that look opposite). No one should be so harsh, unless someone is saying that they're perfect and better than everyone else. Just have fun with the tag! Be more specific! Trying looking like a "doll" too!

oh hey its me lol
  The only thing that I really have against the living doll tag is that people think that dolls are supposed to be perfect, so putting a picture of yourself on there can make you look kind of self conceited, as if you were calling yourself beautiful like a doll. However, I even put pictures of myself on there sometimes. Maybe I(and others) am just curious to see if people would consider me a living doll? Someone put out the idea of using the tag "dolly style" instead of "living doll", which I like a lot better, but I also use the living doll tag because I think it gets more views.
 Thanks for reading! -Mare
(sorry if the font sizes change halfway through- i couldnt get that figured out lol)


Wednesday, May 29, 2013

This is Why I Don't Post YouTube Comments!

  When I finally allow myself to write a comment... It slaps me in the face LOL
  I wrote a comment on Block B's Nillila Mambo:
  "Is it just me or does PO seem like he could be related to TOP in this video?"
  And suddenly some other person right after was like "BLOCK B COPIED BIG BANG" and for some reason a bunch of people suddenly thought I meant the same thing as that person or something...? So a whole argument started over that lol there was only like one person that actually understood what I meant...
So one person replied to me:
"Just because they both have a deep voice doesn't mean they're related. TOP isn't the first deep voice rapper in Kpop, and he certainly won't be the last."
  I DON'T UNDERSTAND :,D why would I be talking about their voices? When you notice that someone's related to another, don't you usually tell because they look alike? And I wasn't meaning for it to be literal and start gossip like "TOP IS SECRETLY PO'S OLDER BROTHER"
  Now that I've gotten to see more of Block B's videos, I can really tell that they don't look similar at all, but it was just one of my first times watching their MVs and that's what came to my mind first. I didn't mean anything like one group is copying the other(Big Bang and Block B's music are nothing alike so I don't get where people thought of that), members are related, etc. I just though they looked alike in some parts of the music video!
  So yeah, sorry if I started some misunderstanding... I'm trying to get everyone to understand in the comments of the video now haha I really didn't think so many would take it like that...
Have a nice day! ~ Mare

Monday, May 27, 2013

XiaoRishu and VenusAngelic

  Hey everyone! Sorry I've only made like one blog post, yet I haven't had the time to make another! Today I wanted to talk about some people on YouTube!
  Out of all the channels on YouTube, I think my favorite to watch are the "living dolls", otakus, vloggers, etc. such as Venus Angelic, Jemminem, XiaoRishu, etc. Just one thing I've noticed: some of them really tend to attract drama...(Doesn't really include Jemminem but I just love her channel lol)
  I'm really surprised that this is an issue even though it happened like one or two years ago, but for some reason people make a big deal out of VenusAngelic and XiaoRishu, and how Venus was and somehow still is cyberbullying people. Just pointing this out, but it isn't bullying when someone blocks you on a website. Several people were making a big deal out of Venus blocking them, when it doesn't really do anything other than keep you from commenting on their videos. Even if you weren't hating or anything, you shouldn't make a big deal out of getting blocked. You probably just wrote something controversial or annoying. lol idk. I don't post half of the comments I think of because I don't think it's something that really needs to be said, several people have already said the same thing, or it might just sound rude to some people.
  If you don't know what happened between Xiao and Venus, you can just look at Xiao's cyberbullying video or all the other blog posts about it. As much as it does sound like Venus and her mother were really rude and they should be getting in trouble or something for all of it, I'm kind of tempted to take her side because of how Xiao and all the Team Springroll people are "handling" it. Just saying, but just making a youtube video or a blog post about it isn't going to solve anything. If you want to get rid of the problem, report it to whatever website/person that's supposed to take care of those things.
  And hey, if you make a video about it and make a nickname for them to not directly call them out, what's the whole point of posting links all over the video showing proof that includes the person's name? Another thing that annoyed me was that Xiao was like "don't hate on her just because of this". If you don't want anyone to hate her, then don't make a video about it. It should be obvious that not everyone is going to listen to you and will go and do the opposite. Jeez, handle it like anime and korean drama characters lol.
So, yeh, there goes my rant. I'm not on either of their sides, but I love both of them and their videos. I just wish people would forget the past... *sigh...*
    See you in my next post! ~Mare

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

DokiDoki Postbox

Hi everyone! Ever heard of this app?
Dokidoki lets you send "postcards" to random people without automatically showing your name or anything about you. Whether you want to show anything about yourself or not depends just on what you say!
It's mostly Korean guys that use it, but once in a while other countries will pop up too(usually Japan or the USA). When you send out a postcard, it lets you select what sex you want to send to, and it asks if you want to send to either "world" or "local"!
Although its really fun sometimes, a lot of times a guy will send something dirty(Im soo happy that it doesn't let them send pictures). I can report it, but it seems like all the perverted guys just keep coming LOL.
Im disturbed by the ages of most of the people I run into also. Recently, a lot of them have said that they're in their late 20s-early 30s and I've even run into some in their 40s. I just delete the message and think "shouldn't you be married by now?" and then it makes me think more of how attractive they really are and why they're using the app. Some of them are cool though!
Other than those people, I have met a few people that I really enjoy talking to! After a while of talking on dokidoki, we exchange IDs on kakaotalk or line, and then we can send pictures, and sending messages can go faster!
You should try the app!

Here's some pictures from the app that I found on tumblr: :)

Sunday, April 21, 2013


  Hi! I'm Mare, Marebear, or whatever you want to call me! I'm into asian culture, so I'll be posting stuff having to do with that and my daily life(stuff that I wouldn't talk about around most of friends, since they aren't interested). Sometime I'd like to make a youtube account where I can talk about and try the same things, but at the moment I'm low on time and courage, so until then, here's what I'll stick with :)