Monday, November 11, 2013

Comfort Zone

  Hey guys! Sorry, I don't think I posted anything last week... I just wrote my speech on pets, and it was kind of... suckish. Well, all my speeches are but that one was extra stupid and cheesy. However, this week, I wrote my speech on gettting ot of the comfort zone!
  Whatever it is you like to do, it is important to get out of your "comfort zone" to improve. It pretty much explains itself. Your comfort zone is what you are you used to doing, but to get out of your comfort zone,

you have to try new things. This is why you should get out of your comfort zone once in a while.
  First, getting out of your comfort zone helps you improve. I'll use basketball as an example. You may be used to dribbling around the court and making lay ups, but you have to get out of your comfort zone and also practice shots farther from the hoop in order to improve them.
  Second, it gives you more options. The more you get out of your comfort zone, the more you'll know how to use. Instead of having to dribble up to the hoop to shoot lay ups, you'll also have the option of staying farther away and making hoops.
  Last, it will help you discover new things. After putting those things that were outside into your comfort zone, you'll discover a new level of things, and as you put those things into your comfort zone, there'll be even more.
  You have to try something you aren't comfortable with sometimes! It's important to get out of your comfort zone because it helps you improve, it gives you more options, and it helps you discover new things.

So yeah! For some reason, I'm running out of ideas about what to write about :( For at least a week, however, I should have more time to get online and draw, write, etc. My volleyball season just ended, but basketball season already starts in a few days! Anyways, see you guys in my next post!

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