Saturday, June 29, 2013

What is a Living Doll?

 Hi everyone! I've been spending a lot of time on tumblr haha if you want to follow me on there, my thing is
  Just looking at some tags, Ive noticed that some people are picky about what "living dolls" are. I saw some
posts where someone was saying things like, "they don't do their makeup like a living doll and it just looks like crap" and "they don't have the characteristics of a doll". So let me point some things out. 
  Dolls are designed and made by people, so they can look like whatever the creator wants. Dolls aren't all white, skinny, with a perfect face. Anyone can call themselves a doll, even if they don't look anything like what people would expect a living doll to be. 
  A doll is defined as... 
A small model of a human figure, often one of a baby or girl, used as a child's toy.

  So really, you can look like a doll, as long as you're human (although I'm sure dolls have been made that look opposite). No one should be so harsh, unless someone is saying that they're perfect and better than everyone else. Just have fun with the tag! Be more specific! Trying looking like a "doll" too!

oh hey its me lol
  The only thing that I really have against the living doll tag is that people think that dolls are supposed to be perfect, so putting a picture of yourself on there can make you look kind of self conceited, as if you were calling yourself beautiful like a doll. However, I even put pictures of myself on there sometimes. Maybe I(and others) am just curious to see if people would consider me a living doll? Someone put out the idea of using the tag "dolly style" instead of "living doll", which I like a lot better, but I also use the living doll tag because I think it gets more views.
 Thanks for reading! -Mare
(sorry if the font sizes change halfway through- i couldnt get that figured out lol)