Some people might be like me and have trouble deciding whether to drink hot chocolate or tea when it gets cold outside. However, I will be talking about why tea is the better choice.
Tea is healthier. Just looking at it, it's easy to tell. Hot chocolate is made out of whatever is in the powder you're given, but tea is made out of leaves and maybe some sugar depending on how you like it.
After drinking hot chocolate, I start to feel it in my stomach and it makes me dizzy. Tea will keep me warm, but not so much that I feel sick. It makes me a bit tired though, so it's a perfect drink before going to bed on a school night.
Go to the grocery store and look at your hot chocolate selection. There may be a bunch of different brand made drinks, but there's usually only "original" or "marshmallow" flavors. Now go to the tea selection. There's several different kinds like green tea, peppermint, and black.
Although they are both good drinks, after considering these things, I would rather drink tea. Tea is healthier, makes me feel better, and gives me more choices.
Although writing speeches can seem like a really boring thing, I've been enjoying doing this every week. It's a way for me to improve my English, but I also get to talk to my class about things I enjoy. I've talked about things like why to attend my school, caramel, and photography. Since it has to be a minute long, I actually feel sad sometimes because I have to take out some things to shorten it. However, it's really easy to write, and takes no time at all. Do you guys have to do this, too? What are some things you like to write about?