Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Zombies 三( ゚Д゚)

   Hey everyone! Today I watched World War Z. It was soo scary, yet it was really good! Part way through, I was trying to think about whether I wanted to keep watching or run out of the theatre, but I couldn't decide throughtout the movie so I ended up staying :)
   Although it is about zombies, it's actually not very gorey. About what it is, you'd expect there to be blood splurting out of people's arms, intestines and organs everywhere, but there surprisingly isn't any of that. Sure, there are parts where people do things that you'd expect to see a lot of blood, but they make it so you still see what happens, yet it blocks out the unnecessary gore.
   I also watch the Walking Dead, and even though that show has a lot more blood and gore, I think I found World War Z scarier. I like them equally, but World War Z had more jumpscares. Plus, the zombies can run D:

   Anyways, I really liked it. I don't know why, but I enjoyed watching the huge groups of zombies, especially when they'd pile on top of each other O_o idk why. I liked the looks of the zombies and the special effects.
But yeah that's it lol bye.   ~Mare

Friday, August 2, 2013

Stupid Me!

self portrait by me
Hey guys! I just thought I'd share this. Why can't people realize it sooner that they should give credit to the original artist of something, or at least say that they didn't draw it? I hate it when people take that route of making "art" in the first place, but I'm tired of people not giving credit when they reference, trace, color, ANYTHING off of someone else's work. If you used someone else's work to help make your own in any way, you should give them credit. Their work is not the same as yours, and you do not deserve the same amount of recognition for something that someone else did!
  Sorry everyone but I just had to get this off my chest! It's late! I should be sleeping! I shouldn't be online! However, I hope that this slaps someone in the face and somehow reminds them about giving credit, because it can become something very bad! Don't trace and be happy that people show their own art in public in the first place!
  I'll probably make a video or longer blogpost about this later, but for now that's it! Goodnight!
(This will be posted in the morning so I can add pictures and labels)