I didn't have an exact idea of what I wanted it to look like, but I knew what kind of colors I wanted, which was... PASTELS! I don't know why, but I've loved pastels so much recently.
Something I also knew I wanted was for it to be simple but still super cute! I absolutely hate it when I, or others, try to make things cute, but end up going overboard and put too much on one thing. I think it looks a lot better if there's just one accessory or theme, whatever, at least on that page, unless you want to make a collage.
Anyways, I chose my favorite colors out of some scrapbook paper I have, which were a light shade of pink and mint green! I thought that if there was more pink, then it would look more girly, while if there were more of the green, it would be sort of tomboyish. So, I put the green on top of the pink, but more pink.
I actually would've stopped there, but I just hated... I don't know! I just though I could add more! I remembered that my mom had brought home some origami paper from Japan a few years ago, but we didn't use it at all, and if we did, we epically failed and just put the paper back! I figured that at least some of the paper would have some kind of cute designs, so I thought I could use them since the scrapbook paper I used was plain!
There were a lot of colors, but I chose a blue paper, not just because I liked it out of others, but also because it was light enough, yet it wasn't too close to the same colors as the pink or green I already used. I just used the blue to separate the green and pink.
If I had used the blue all the way across then I probably would have added more somewhere else, but I kind of failed at cutting strips of it equally thick. I knew that I would add an accessory eventually, so why not then? And what's more original than a strawberry? Hehe~
Instead of printing, I thought it'd look good to use the different colors of the origami paper to make the strawberry, especially since the different colors also had different patterns. I drew the shapes I wanted on the side of the paper that would be glued down, cut it out, glued them together, then glued it to the sketchbook! It was kind of hard the cut out and glue the leaf part of the strawberry, but it was worth it because I LOVE how it turned out!
The last thing I did was cut the corners! All I wanted to do was round the ends, so I just sketched out where to cut and did it! I thought I could maybe add some text, but I didn't want to cut it out- so I think later Ill find a white sharpie or something and just write my name(Maybe in different languages muahaha).
Anyways, that was it! I really enjoyed doing it, so I think I'll probably do something similar for my school notebooks :D I saved the paper I didn't use, too!
I really love how it turned out!
Thanks for reading! Bye! ~Mare